Well, I've been a member of GameSpot for a little over one year and I think I should reveal a bit about myself, since other members do it a lot. So, here are some facts about myself, both about my personal life and about video games:
1- My favourite game series is Pokemon. It got me into turn based RPGs, which is my favourite genre today and the gameplay has always been addictive and fun to me.
2- I think FPS and sports games are very overrated
3- I have only played Minish Cap and Majora's Mask of the Zelda series. Looking forward to Ocarina of Time 3D and Skyward Sword though
4- My favourite RPGs (besides Pokemon) are Persona 4, Persona 3 and Paper Mario 2
5- I'm 15 years old and am in the second year of high school
6- I'm brazilian; born, raised and living in Curitiba, ParanĂ¡
7- I have the same birthday as Daren Criss who does Blaine from Glee and Neymar, a football played from Santos (Saints), a brazilian football team
8- I think Mario Galaxy is by far the worst Mario game, but Galaxy 2 is by far the best
9- My name in english would be something like Peter Henry Oak Coast.
10- I have completed the FCE (the first of the Cambridge engligh tests) and got a 71 out of 100, when I was 13.
11- I have skiped a grade in kindergarten, so I'm one year younger than most of my friends.
12- I love my PS3 and Wii and have little to no plans to get a 360
13- I have joined GS because I have always loved writing reviews and exposing my opinion
14- I have plans to do Law (Direito) in college, as I plan to be a prosecutor
15- Wheater you think this is stupid, my main inspiration for doing this is the game series Ace Attorney. I know its representation of the rights system isn't that faithfull, and specially since it is different from country to country, but it made me interested in knowing how it works here in Brazil, and it got me interested
16- I don't watch much TV, but love the TV series Glee
17- I plan to start studying german in the next semester
18- I love animes and manga, due to one of my best friends being an otaku, and made me one too.
19- My favourite anime would be a tie between Cardcaptors Sakura and Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni
20- My favourite video game franchises besides Pokemon are: Shin Megemi Tensei, Mario, Ace Attorney, Silent Hill and Resident Evil.
21- I have tried twice but never got into Okami. Does that makes me a bad person? Will try the sequel though
22- I think BioShock is very overrated. See my review of it
23- A friend of mine got me into Assassin's Creed and I got him into Silent Hill
24- I love watching Let's Plays. My favourite LPers are probably Chuggaaconroy, ProtonJon, ClementJ642 and the Braiscratch crew
25- My favourite Pokemon is by far Eevee, followed by Porygon.
26- I think the best systems ever are the PS1, N64 and PS2. Runner-ups would be the Wii and PS3. If counting handhelds, the DS and GBA would be in the bests too
27- My most played systems are my DS and PS2.
28- I have two dogs. A engligh cocker spaniel and a brazilian terrier. Once had another cocker but he fled
29- I am 1.65 m high and 80 kg weight. Normaly am the chubbiest person in my group of friend
30- Am really waiting for the 3DS, mostly for the Professor Layton and Phoenix Wright crossover, OoT 3D, Mario 3DS and a few others.
Okay, these are 30 facts about myself.