I once reviewed Mega Man 7 and gave it a 4 out of 10. Damn, that is pretty rough, adn does it really deserves it? No, I was unfair. I played though it once again, and had a lot of fun, so I re-wrote my review and gave it a propper rating. Check it out.
I will also reveal the Worst Protagonist tomorrow, but on the meantime, I want to list my favourite Mega Man games in order, from the main series.
-Mega Man 8
-Mega Man 2
-Mega Man 5
-Mega Man 9
-Mega Man 7
-Mega Man 4
-Mega Man
-Mega Man 3
-Mega Man 6
Yeah, I haven't played 10 yet. And I would say that the only ones I quite don't really like to play are 3 and 6. The other ones I have a lot of fun with.