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Some stuff I dislike about GameSpot

So, a few days back, I wrote a few reasons why I decided to join GameSpot. And while I really do love the site, there are some things that bug me, and this blog is dedicated to listing them. Thank youSuper-Poke-Brosgiving me the idea for this. ;)

The new layout is rather confusing
While I maybe late to the party to talk about this, I do think that the new design of the website is much more confusing and counter intuitive than what it was before. I liked the way they listed the news and the new game stuff, and its blog like aproach feels much worse and cumbersome. Having to go on a separate window to check news (for example) is much sillier than being able to just see them on the main page.

What the firetruck is Fuse for?
We have this feature for more than an year I belive, and it was always optional, mainly if you wanted to sync your PS3 trophies or 360 achivements here, but now it has taken over the updates page as well. While it is a minor complain, I just want to ask "why?". It was so good to have all in one website, where we were familiar with the layout, and tell me: who here uses Fuse instead of the main website? It is much simpler here, as Fuse's "Facebook like"design really is counter intuitive.

Constant glitches in the website
For the almost two years I have been a member of the website, we have had experienced some really awkward situations here, which I can remember mainly two: when Fuse took over the Updates, we had to do everything from it, like check our friends updates from there as well, and that really was bad. I don't know if it was due to outcry or a glitch, but we have more freedom now. And second is that our updates page were missing for a couple of weeks, and made it harder to track anything. I also experienced some problems with my game lists, which persisted for quite a while. Annoying stuff is annoying. Nuff said.

Having to constantly track games
Back then (less than a year ago), you could select if you wanted to track the game, but on you now playing list, on your owned games list or wish list. Then you would automaticly track the game as soon as you wanted to do anything with it. Now you have to track the game, and from your lists you have to move it to your other lists. THAT SUCKS. It is just annoying. Think of the situation: I got Metal Gear Solid 3, and added to my owned games list, and automaticaly to my following. I forget that is there, but as soon as a Metal Gear 3 is announced, I will get bombarded with updates for it. It may seem like I'm bit**ing about it, and while it is the simple task of unfollowing the game latter, the point is: you shouldn't have to. It should be much more like you want to do.

News section is lacking
Look at this site's new section. Now look at Destructoid's or GamesRadar. See the difference? GS only posts what it feel is important, while these other two post everything. I really wish we could have access to everything only here, since it would be much simpler.

This is a special mention, that I belive other users feel the same. Ever since I have started to write reviews, I have take in consideration the users score and reviews much more than I did before. Before, it was "GS gave the game a 5, it must suck then". Now I still read their reviews, and some like the Sonic The Hedgehog for PS3/360 really hit the mark, while others like the Persona 1 and 2 for PSP have the right idea, but get lost in the way. Also, the website really is harsh at times: did Sonic 4 and Scott Pilgrim really deserve a 6.5?

So, these are the things that bug me on GS. They are mostly nipicks, and none really distractwebsite that much. I still love doing what I do here, and seeing what other people do, and that will get me hooked on the website for much longer