the main thing is.. we have more choices now.. we don't have to just buy whatever sony and microsoft sells now-a-days. nobody can have the monopoly.. the main problem i see with consoles is the 'very costly games' unlike pc. the cost of consoles is quiet ok now-a-days, but games r too costly and i m sure sony & microsoft do make some money from game developers for the games they make for consoles.. so they priced consoles less . this way both game developers and console makers earn huge money from us( thats what i think..) has somebody ever known actually why few developers don't make some game for pc but only consoles?? but this can not happen any more.. are you reading Katsuhiro Harada? you will have to make tekken for pc too if not now but soon you have to.. our android phones are also good but we need controller options for them. the crytek has also said the same words..
although i know the three giants can never work together for a single unified console.. and we dont want them to.. but we want them to come down to earth.. and provide us with good hardware for our money which is future proof for at least 5 years.. cant ask for more then that.. and don't need to.
I hope these are screenshots are not biased by fanboyism. its clear that xbox 360 is producing more detailed textures than ps3. look at the bricks and sand friends and shadows too. i am looking at assassin's screens only. i always thought ps3 graphics are better. i need to rethink now. though it looks like more of the contrast difference in the screenshots of the two consoles, but still 360 is producing more details here. i dont own any of the two consoles. i am a pc gamer, but i am planning of buying one among these two.
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