Alright so I was pretty damn bored today so I took apart my old PS2 that did not work anymore. It was pretty cool, their was some weird stuff in their. Anyways I found out how the PS2 remembers the time, there is a battery in their, I accidentally ripped the wire that was attached...oops. It was funny because I found a DVD in the PS2 and yet I had not used that PS2 in over 2 years(got a new slim-line one). Turned out it was "Jeepers Creepers 2", crappy movie . So I decided I should put the PS2 back together the best I could. I did but it took some finagling and I may have broken some vital parts. I didn't put 7 screws in, because well their wasn't any obvious spots for them and well it didn't matter. So I plugged in the PS2 to see if it may even turn on and do all that it could do before: turn on and be on the menu. I plugged it in a flicked the on switch. Nothing happened. My old PS2 from 2001 is officially dead. So I hereby salute my crappy old ps2, we had some good hard years on that beast, played a lot of GTA: SA on that thing, it even wrecked my first copy of that game...... you think I can sell it? hahahaha.
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