Why does the media/polotitians bash video games so much?
Do they just need somthing to hate on?
Look, video games CAN affect your health and social life, but its all about the individual.
If you mess up cause your to addicted its that persons fault, not EA, capcom, square, or who the hell ever.
It pisses me off because prolly anyone who bashes video games like this is a hypocrite.
Why? because, there are lots of hobbies that people do. Like someone earlier here said "girls read a lot of magazines" or whatever and people dont rag on others hobbies.
We just have laugh it off because every single time, some anit-video game issue comes up, it will be full of double-standard, and hypnocritisism.
Now, im gonna go fire up the ol NES and not be social and enjoy it!!
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