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Dawn Verse Conner

In this blog post I will discuss the reasons why Conner was a better character than Dawn.

Dawn V. Conner battle of the plot device character!

Let's just start with their introduction. Dawn was just introduced as a sister to Buffy, as if she were always there. While Conner was born and returned aged after several weeks in a hell dimension. Much more believable as a character.

Attitude towards their respective titular character! Dawn in season 5 and 6 (even after she finds out she serves a higher purpose) is whiny and annoying and treats Buffy like it is always Buffy's fault. While Conner tried to kill Angel for most of season 3 and some of 4, he has reasons to believe that Angel is at fault for everything that goes wrong.

Actor: Although Michelle is a better actor then Vinc (being able to show more emotions and more natural reactions), Vinc does not get screechy and annoying when he doesn't get his way as Conner.

Finally. Conner was removed after he was no longer needed. Dawn should have died at the end of 5.

Hope you enjoyed my rant.