I joined Gamespot a little over a month ago and I'm worried.
I'm worried that I won't be able to collect badges fast enough. I'm worried that people will think my posted opinions are stupid (even though I have been gaming my whole life). I'm also perilously concerned about my level. I'm only level 5 for Christ's sake, what if I encounter something more powerful than a slime? I'm dead, that's what. I mean, I haven't even learned any spells or good attacks yet. Being an avid gamer I just have to get my level higher and higher. I think it's probably the main reason I'm actually writing this blog (that and I can express my opinion freely). I would like to clarify that although I am new to gamespot as a member I am very familiar with the website. I have been getting much needed info from these pages for years. It's nice to finally be able to give my opinion about gaming.
I read people's comments now, where I never used to. I only add my own if I feel like I have a reason to, i.e. I know the game, or have the system, or can somehow relate to the article. I don't quite understand people who pop into a God of War page to say "Naruto rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" or something equally ridiculous. How old are you? I don't mean because you watch cartoons, because some cartoons rule (dragon ball, bleach, ninja scroll, etc.) but if you have to tell everyone how great something is, then join the appropriate union. I'm sure your opinion will be valued there, as opposed to just looking like an elephant in the room that everyone ignores. I also don't understand the Wii haters. You can't be a gamer and still love the Wii for some reason? These guys drop by the Wii sections periodically to tell everyone about how bad the graphics are and that Nintendo is stupid for putting so much faith in it, and it's a fad that'll pass soon enough. Yikes, these guys have issues. From what I've seen, the Wii owning members of Gamespot will tear your heart out through your ass if you make any such comments. Not that I blame them, but I typically rely on trying to educate as opposed to challenging to a duel. And if you decide to tell everyone you're the best at a certain game, I think that should give them the right to challenge you head on. So don't tell everyone on all of Gamespot that you're the best at Super Smash Bros, because when you get your ass handed to you the game's gonna seem a lot less fun.
I get the feeling that I might be slightly older than the average Gamespot member as well. I don't understand a lot of peoples comments when they're written as acronyms. WTF, it's BYOB oh man I got PWNT, LMFAO about it. I'm 26, and I think that I just missed the cutoff for some of this stuff; but if you can express yourself using as little effort as possible, more power to you. I hope that my joining Gamespot will only make the site better (doesn't everyone) and I can't believe it took me so long to finally get my ass in gear and join.