Looks interesting, but i'm only interested because it's Nintendo, and what titles Nintendo can bring to the table. Hopefully games from: Mario,Zelda, Starfox, Kirby, Smash bros, Donkey Kong, Metroid, Sonic, megaman, etc. I'm personally just sick of FPS and generic, uninspired games coming out on the 360 and PS3, i want to play a game where the tone isn't set by the graphics for once. A lot of new developers are piss scared to take a step outside of the box, that's not saying all, but a lot of them. And some originality and fun gameplay would be so nice to see.That's one of the things that drew me to the WII. I dont even play my Wii anymore, i'm on the 360 much more, but I want to see Nintendo revolutionize the market again, and make games fun again. Is the Wii U going to cut it? I don't know. But I just hope that it isn't dragged down by garbage party games, like the Wii did. I think what killed the Wii, was the garbage third party support. The developers figured "the Wii isn't known for good graphics, so lets not even try at all, slap a crappy party game on it, and there you go, money made", and this seriously hurts the Wii's reputation to. I just hope the same thing doesn't happen with the Wii U. Looks promising, but i wouldn't pay any more than 300$. Maybe 350$, if there's different pack in options. One thing I know, is that Nintendo isn't a stupid company, they know what their doing. So i have hopes for the Wii U, but i'm not setting them high, because who knows. This could end up being the next virtual boy.
If this add-on controller is made available for other android tablets (like the Galaxy Tab) I would consider buying it, or at least consider this to be a decent idea. But to buy the specific tablet with it, just doesn't seem worth it.
bonnin40's comments