*Note - as always, read previous posts first so that this nonsensical rambling is able to at least make a little sense.
Damn you Rich Gallup...again!! Just when I had made you my personal (if not entirely irrational) scapegoat, you went and did the one thing to change my mind!! I read your little blog and dammit, you had to go and hate the Yankees as much as me. Damn you!! Damn you!! Damn you!! How can I use you as a scapegoat when we’re brothers in arms? Sure, it’s not the same colors we wear, but an enemy of my enemy is a friend of mine…or, wait…a friend of my enemy is…no, that’s not it either…my enemy’s enemy is…oh, to hell with it!! I can’t hate you anymore is the problem.
Hmmm. I guess I need a new irrational scapegoat. Maybe I’ll blame that Alex Navarro dude. Or maybe that Kasavin guy…no, bad idea. He’s been with the site too long. He could probably get me booted or something. Hmmm. Maybe I’ll pick that Bethany chick. She seems innocent enough. I don’t know. I need time to think.
You know, maybe…just maybe my anger is misplaced. Perhaps I’m so befuddled by this Bandicoot game that I’m taking my rage out on the wrong people. Innocent folks that have nothing to do with…oh, what am I THINKING?!?! Casualties of War!! Bandicoot, I’m still coming – scapegoat or no scapegoat!!!