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RROD again

Well my 360 RROD I've decided that when the price cut for the 360s happens I'm just going to get an acrade for $200 and put my hard drive in it. I really don't feel like sending this one in and waiting for a month to get it back.

My impressions of the four new maps

Broadcast- Broadcast as a little something for everyone from snipers to run and gunners. It can be ideal for almost all types of guns. From the matches I played almost everyone near the end was almost always outside in the parking lot. It is a nice solid level that will be the favorite or the bane of many people.

Chinatown- Chinatown with its twists and turns is not a good sniping level. You can run into enemys almost at any turn or they can be in one of the many windows waiting.

Creek- It was described by many to be a perfect sniping level and in some cases doesn't disapoint. In one team match I was in me and at least two other snipers were able to keep the enemy pinned down on the other side of the creek. It did turn into a one sided match ending 750-290. But that wasn't always how it turned out. When Creek hits the other maps it won't be as good of a sniping level in Free for all as Crossfire or Crash is.

Killzone- I unfortuntally didn't spend any time with this match. While I did run around it by myself in a private match to get a feel for it I didn't play it competivitly this weekend. But from what I gathered it is going to be better suited for Free for all or a cage match.

4 DLC Call of Duty 4 Maps

Gamespot today premiered two of the four upcoming Call of Duty 4 maps. They are Broadcast which is based on the TV station in the level Carlie don't surf, Creek, Chinatown, and Killhouse which sounds like it is releated to the training ground at the start of the game. Since the Broadcast is going to manly inside Snipers, Air Strikes, and Helicopters won't be as effective. Which is probably a good thing and will test your skill. From the sound of things Creek might turn into Sniper heaven. I can't wait until we hear more on Chinatown and Killhouse.

Neat little Wii game coming

Gonintendo posted a story about an upcoming Wii/PC game called World of Goo. It looks like a neat little game that might be fun. Also expect a review (not my usual rating) for No More Heroes in the coming week or so.

Way's to improve COD4 multiplayer

I am a great fan of COD4 multiplayer but it could use some improvment.

1.Make perstige actually mean something- I have reached level 55 twice now and I'm going through a third and probably the last time. Other than a neat little icon their is really no point or reward for doing it. Please make it mean something. Give those of us who put in the time and effort more reward than a new icon. Give use exclusive pearks or weapons. Give us something meaningfull to work towards. I would love a perk that would allow us to have two attachments for our weapons.

2.We need new levels- Please this is a must. You saw fit to give PC players an exclusive holiday themed Crash you even gave them mod tools. Please show some love to us console gamers. Some suggestions make more night levels. I would even settle for levels we already have. I would love to play the Bloc in true night. Or mabye Showdown. Why give us night vision googles and have only one really good level that they are any good for and a couple that they work ok in.

Impressions TSCC Part 2

In this closing part I definitly think that this series can survive. But it is going to be one of those shows you love or hate. If we all do our part this show can get through the coming robot armageddon.

Impressions of The Sarah Conner Chronicles Part 1

The first part of Fox's two night premiere of The Sarah Conner Chronicles aired tonight and these are my impressions of the show so far. It looks like it will definitly have some potential. The tension between her and the Terminator that was sent back to protect her son will beinteresting to see played out. Given that Sarah will always mistrust theTerminator played by the very cute Summer Glau who also starred in Serenty and the FireFly series will be the underlying tension. Also adding to the drama will be a love interest that Sarah left behind. Not to mention the FBI hounding them. All and all I'm happy with what they have done with this so far. They even kept close to how the T2 ended and played out. It looks like it will have enough drama and action for everbody. In closing I would give it a4 out of 5. Now lets just hope that it the series ends up on XBLM it is well worth the purchase.

Happy New Year

May all of you out there in this new year meet new friends, find new oppurtunities, play fun new games, and have a great year.
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