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My Heart Will Go On

We have a Science Center here in Columbus and it has an exhibit on the TITANIC until Sept. I took a friend of mine (despite the nagging chest cold I have) to see it for her birthday. I loved the movie the TITANIC. I loved watching the specials on Discovery, TLC, and PBS about the exploration and excavation of the TITANIC. I would love to be part of something like that--- discovering artifacts and actually touching/owning pieces of history. I have been excited about this exhibit for weeks-- ever since we set a date to go. There was a similar one in Vegas a few years back while I was there on vacation and I didn't get to go. That said-- I was disappointed in the exhibit. The admission price was $20. The rooms were small, dark and overly warm. The number of exhibits per room were few. Some weren't labeled. Some were hard to see because the room was too dark. At any given time, there were at least 20 people trying to crowd around the exhibits. :( I did like seeing the artifacts and reading the stories from survivors and families of victims. I enjoyed how they recreated the different parts of the ship-- the first class cabins, the second class cabins, the third class cabins, the bowels of the ship... even the grand staircase. Alas, no photographs were allowed and there were guards everywhere to make sure it didn't happen. I was impressed by how well some of these items have held up over the years. Still-- I feel like I didn't get my $20 worth of history. The "funniest" part of the trip was listening to how many people were looking for "Rose and Jack" on the manifests and in photos as if the characters in the movie TITANIC were real. I remember hearing when the movie came out that Rose and Jack weren't actual passenger names and were a reasonable representation of a couple who could have met and fallen in love on the TITANIC. After we toured the exhibit, we visited the other sections of the science center, feasting on some DIPPIN DOTS ice cream and perused the gift shop. I bought some "grow your own geek", "grow your own dork" and "grow your own nerd" kits for $3 each. Just like those little dinosaurs which expand in water, in just 72 hours, I will have my very own geek, dork and nerd to adorn my computer monitor at work. I can hardly wait. :) I have a soft spot for geeks, nerds and dorks. Now, my Sunday is almost over. (sigh) WHERE does the time go??