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the year in review

I usually find some time to look back on the year that is ending so that I can make some goals and plans for the year ahead. To be honest, until I started typing this blog right now, I hadn't really given much thought to 2007 except that I'm glad it's ending because it has been one heck of a roller coaster year.

I began 2007 feeling frustrated because I was doing a job I didn't like for a woman who didn't appreciate me. My annual review was not that good and it was the catalyst I needed to start looking for something else. I had a couple of "maybe" interviews before getting a position in another department, working for someone who was nothing like the previous boss. I was very happy to go to work for her.

In April, I finished my 5 year debt consolidation plan and felt quite giddy about the fact that my debts were behind me and I was finally free to quit my job, find a new apartment, etc. I was not restricted by the contract any longer.

At the same time, I found a realtor with a beach house in Virginia Beach and it seemed to be my sign to really truly finally move out of Ohio and to the beach. After several weeks of sweating out the application process and the realtor's flighty-ness, I got the word that the beach house was mine October 1 - May 15.

I began immediately to make plans for moving -- reserved the UHAUL, started bringing home boxes from work, etc. I put in many hours of overtime during the summer, gearing up for the move. I also reconnected with some old high school and cyber friends during the summer.

Then, I found out I wasn't quite as debt-free as I thought I was. My student loan and car financing place wanted paid for some interest that they hadn't been paid during my plan. I contacted an attorney who told me that they could pursue me for the unpaid interest. Great. I went on repayment plans for both, which dipped into savings.

I quit my job at a company I had given 9+ years of my life on August 31. That same evening, before work, I went to the ER for chest pains. This was the beginning of a long long series of tests, hospital visits, blood work, X-rays, etc to try to determine what was wrong with me. I visited the ER 6 times in the course of one month. Then, my doctor told me I had some fake-sounding condition called hyperventilation syndrome, prescribed some antidepressants and told me to learn how to relax and stop worrying so much. Yeah, right.

I was so sick sometimes that I really thought I was dying. I couldn't do much except sit in a chair. My friend Mandy bailed me out majorly by devoting many many hours to helping pack up my apartment and get ready for my move. What she couldn't help me with, my friends Janelle and Todd wrapped up when they showed up to help me move my stuff from Ohio to Virginia.

The move was long and tiring and very taxing emotionally. Molly did not do well with the trip and neither did I. I have no desire to spend any length of time behind the wheel of the car again.

I moved into the beach house in October, right on schedule. I expected my "health condition" to clear up immediately because I had accomplished one of the biggest dreams of my life. But, then... I started to worry about work and money. That only made me feel sick all over again. Although I had my 401k money and my retirement money in savings, I was worried that I'd run out of money and have to turn tail and go back to Ohio or to PA or some place else where there is no beach.

After many weeks of interviewing, rejection letters and crappy offers, I finally got a full time job doing Collections. I was excited. At first. Then, I realized I didn't really want the job and started to have panic attacks again about doing a job I didn't enjoy. Then, out of the blue, I got a call for an interview for a better job at a better company. Two days before I was supposed to start the collections job.

They offered me a job and I turned down the Collections job. I began my new job on December 12. It's going well. A little boring at times, but everyone is nice and I really like my company and co-workers. It's nice to be around people again and having a routine. I totally admit I don't like working. I'd much rather be stinking rich and spend my time doing volunteer work, hobbies, travelling and lazing around the house.

So -- what a year! I'm proud of the fact that I accomplished my dream to move to the beach and so far the area hasn't disappointed me. I love looking out the window and seeing the Bay. I love that it doesn't snow here. I love that we get more sunny days than cloudy days. I don't regret doing it at all.

2007, overall, wasn't a bad year. I just could have done without the illness and stress. I'm still having episodes where I just can't catch my breath and start worrying about things I have no control over. I never used to have problems coping or dealing. I don't understand why my body has now decided that it can't handle stress. I hate not feeling like myself. I haven't had a decent night of sleep in ages.

So, I hope 2008 is great. Better than great. I'll get thinner, find a fabulous apartment I can afford, spend every weekend at the beach, meet the man of my dreams, and possibly get offered a promotion or something at work. Hopefully, I'll make some new friends and discover some new things/interests. And, most of all, I want to get over this "health" thing.

So - happy new year to you all and let's hope for great things all around!!