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Things I Miss From My Childhood

I lifted this idea from a friend of a friend's blog. Thought it was cool. THINGS I MISS FROM CHILDHOOD... 1. Snow Days. Not necessarily snow... but I do miss getting up only to be told to go back to bed because school had been cancelled. In all of the years since I've left school, I can only think of three days where "weather" prohibited work and I got an adult snow day. 2. Wanting to get up early. When I was a kid, you couldn't keep me in bed. I would be up with the sun and hated going to bed at night. 3. Saturday Morning Cartoons and Schoolhouse Rock. This is pretty self-explanatory. When I was a kid, Saturday morning TV was for the kids. Now, you have to go to a specific channel to find cartoons... and they just aren't like the ones I grew up with. Looney Tunes, Scooby Doo, Captain Caveman, Grape Ape, Archie and the Gang, etc etc etc interspersed with "education" in the form of Schoolhouse Rock moments. 4. Summer Vacation and Christmas Vacation. Oh, to be able to only have to work 9 months a year and get paid for 12. (And not go back to teaching to do it.) 5. Wanting to be active. I rode my bike, ran around like an idiot, swang on swings, went on hikes, splashed in the wading pool, chased my brother around the yard, played with the dogs, and did all sorts of active things. It wasn't a "chore" to expend some energy. 6. Not wanting to eat. Kids have the right idea. They only eat when they are hungry and they only eat what they need to get by. Well, most kids. I never wanted to stop to eat when I was a kid. My mom would have to beg me and my brother to stop playing and eat something. We'd sit down, eat a few bites and then be back up and running. 7. Santa Claus. I may not have gotten everything I put on my Christmas list as a kid, but there was so much fun in the hoping, wishing and anticipating. The closest thing I now have to Santa Claus is the lottery... when I remember to play. 8. Innocence. The only thing that scared me was the "thing" I thought that lived beneath my bed. And spiders. I didn't know such things as poverty, war, death, illness, debt, child abuse, rape, murder, theft, etc. The news came on after I went to bed and although some may say that meant living a "sheltered" life, I think sometimes I'd like to have that kind of easy innocence again. 9. Playing. Playing house, playing school, playing with barbies, playing doctor, playing cops and robbers, playing with toys, playing with friends, playing in the house, playing in the yard, playing at recess. I can't remember the last time I just "had fun" for the heck of having fun. 10. Allowance. Remember when a dollar seemed like a fortune? I would save up my "allowance" (earned by getting good grades and doing chores) to buy penny candy, MAD magazine, TEEN magazine, TIGER BEAT magazine, teen romance novels, finger nail polish, lipgloss, stickers, and records. I remember once when I was a little kid, my parents won the lottery for something like $1500 and they gave each of us $100 to spend however we wanted. I felt like I was a millionaire. What about you?? What do you miss from your childhood?