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Things that make me go .... GRRRRRR

I'm embracing my inner-brat with my list of pet peeves. 1. When people at work dip into conversations I'm having 2. People who carry on private conversations on their cell phones in public places 3. People who carry on private conversations on those WALKIE TALKIE cell phones in public places 4. People who don't flush the toilet when they are done 5. People who throw the paper towel on the floor because they missed the trash can and were too lazy to pick it up 6. Anyone who talks on a cell phone while driving 7. People who get in a "turn lane only" lane and drive in it like it's a regular lane, hoping someone will let them in at some point 8. People who race down the "under construction" lane which ends and then cut you off because they were too impatient to avoid the lane altogether 9. Drivers going at least 10 miles under the speed limit UNTIL they get the yellow light and then they shoot through the intersection 10. People who go ahead and make the left turn long after the light has changed from yellow to red, holiding up traffic who has the green light 11. Drivers who tail you through the parking lot hoping that you are walking to a close space. (I will purposely weave in and out of cars just to confuse these people and then back track to my car once they've moved on.) 12. Drivers who will sit in the lane in a parking lot, blocking it from two-way travel, just to wait on someone to leave 13. Cars in the handicapped spaces who don't have handicapped stickers, mirror tags or plates 14. People who don't bring things to potlucks at work yet who are the first to fill up a plate with food 15. People who take call-waiting calls while talking to you and then make you wait on hold while they have another conversation with whomever it was who just called. (I will hang up if I'm on hold longer than 30 seconds.) 16. People who get into the express lane with more than the "maximum" number of items 17. People who say "aks" instead of "ask" 18. People who say "supposebly" instead of "supposedly" 19. People who say "mines" instead of "mine" 20. Parents who let their kids run amok, screaming and yelling, in department stores, grocery stores, etc 21. People who walk together towards you on your "side" of the hallway, sidewalk or mall and don't move over when they approach you, forcing you to stop, move to the side or turn sideways to avoid collision 22. When the women at my gym walk through the locker room soaking wet and leave puddles of water on the benches and in the "dressing" stalls eventhough there are signs everywhere that say "Please dry off completely before entering the locker room" 23. Seeing someone's love handles hanging over low-rise jeans 24. Men who buckle their belt/pants below their gut because they don't want to accept that they don't have a 30 inch waist anymore 25. People who leave the shopping cart in the parking lot instead of walking a few feet to the "cart corral" Hmmm.... I'm sure there are more. But, I think I've let off enough steam for now. :)