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Have you ever been really really tired?  So tired that you feel like you could sleep forever?  Then, when you crawl into bed, you can't sleep?  That's how I've been lately.  I hate it. 

We've been having "unlimited" overtime at work -- from the first day I started my new job.  We have so much to do that it just can't be done in 8 hours.  I don't mind it, really-- the day goes fast and it's money.  Extra money.  But...  I'm tired.  It's starting to catch up with me.  I've been putting in about 10-12 extra hours a week, which means I'm putting in 11 hours almost every day.  I need a rest.  But, once I lie down, my mind won't settle and I think of stuff-- all kinds of stuff.

I finally fell asleep around 2 last night and then I had a dream I was lying on a cot in a daycare and someone was patting my back, trying to get me to sleep.  I woke up to Molly stretched out in the middle of my back, doing that "kneading" thing.

I scheduled Monday as a Mental Health Day.  Maybe it'll be a dreary gray rainy day and I can take a few Benadryl and sleep.  :)

I'm worried about my future beach house.  I haven't heard from the realtor lately.   In April, she told me the house would be vacant at the end of the month and that my friend could go see it.  Then, she e-mailed me that it wouldn't be empty until the end of THIS month and that she'd contact my friend to go see it.  I can't quite shake this "it ain't gonna happen" feeling.  Part of me wants to have someone e-mail the realtor, pretending to be interested in the house for the summer, and ask if they can view it just to see what kind of answer she gives them.  (sigh)  I don't want to look for another place.  This place sounded perfect.... which is why I'm worried.  NOTHING is ever that easy in my life.  EVER.  So, I don't know why I thought my fate/destiny/karma ship had finally come in this time.  :P 

I'm not a patient person.  Yeah, I've said it a bunch of times already.  I know.  Jobs, diet, exercise, relocation, money.... I want immediate gratification and results.

Hey-- I saw a commercial on tv tonight for a dating site where this guy is mocking eHarmony because he got a "rejection" letter from them telling him he had no matches.  I guess I wasn't the only one. 

Now, I'm off to bed.  Maybe I'll fall right to sleep tonight.  Maybe.  Any takers to come over and pat my back until I doze off?  Anyone? Anyone?