Ok, a few days ago (sorry hunnie I know I'm late) Hanna gave me this task: 5 Things You Could Not Live Without. I found it really difficult and I have been too busy to give it a proper thought, but finally, here they are:
1. Family, friends and bf. Not any people, just them. I'm quite a loner and I really need some time alone with myself every day. If I don't have it, I get stressed, and a stressed BM is not a nice BM. Not at all. I can spend days at home, I don't care about the outside world. Not being for my bf, I would be a complete hermit. Yeah, I met him in one of my outings and he still sticks around and makes me socialize a bit. He asked me to marry him a couple of times and I said no. A wedding? So many people around? Me on the spot? Damn, I would freak out. Although I'll eventually get married *sighs* People around me have the tendency to annoy me most of the time, in one way or another. However, family, friends and bf are really important to me. They define me as a person and although they make me feel like an alien for being so different to all of them, I still love them.
2. Internet: It brings along a lot of good things : music, movies, television, radio, games, information, culture, fun...and friends. Since I joined tv.com I've made this bunch of friends that really mean a lot to me. I love you all to bits. I don't think I need to elaborate on my reasons to love internet, do I? That we all share.
3. Pen and Paper: I know. Weird, huh? I am in love with writing. Typing is ok but handwriting is so cool. I love to write and cross things off, and start all over again, and organize ideas over a blank page. I bring along with me in my bag a notepad and a pen. I write things I hear and I like, I write things that inspire me for a poem, I write things I don't want to forget, I write dates and prices, I write anything just for the sake of writing. I have written since I was a child. I have some 5 or 6 books I wrote and illustrate. They are kinda crappy but I love them. I did all the work: cut the pages, then saw them to the cover and illustrate it. Like the monks in convents. And then filled them in my childish handwriting. Almost 400 pages each, but too embarrassing to show anyone. Now I write poetry. I think it's kinda decent but well, I won't let anyone read it. I do it for the joy of it, not to be published. I don't need recognition, I'm fine on my own, thanks.
4. Books: I love reading. I read everyday. I laugh and cry with books. I travel around the world and know places and people and so many things... Pure culture in my hands. I read since I was a small child. It was compulsory to go to the school library and get one book per week, so most of my partners just went in, take any book and leave it in the locker till the date of bringing it back. So I convinced a couple of them to get the books I wanted so I had the chance to read 3 or 4 books a week and I was the happiest girl ever. I really lose track of time when I read, I don't fell hungry or thirsty, I can read for hours. When I first read "The Pillars of the Earth" I spent more than 20 hours in a row reading it. I started in the afternoon, stayed up all night and carried on in the morning. I didn't go to school and almost bit my mom when she realized I was at home and came into my room to tell me off. My dad told her that he was certain I was learning more than I would in school that morning. And sure I was. Have I ever said I love my dad? Of course I collapsed out of tiredness and first thing I did was to retake it as soon as I got up. I love books to that extent. Whenever I come across one that catches me, I just can't leave it. And I like reading aloud, although that's a story for another blog.
5.Pictures. I love pictures although I'm terrible at taking them. I always carry two digital cameras in my bag and two memory cards. Yeah, I have a big bag. And everyone laughs at me because I'm always camera in hand for even the meaningless meeting, but then they love receiving copies by mail *sigh* I like downloading them and sorting them out. I have every celebration, wedding, birthday, birth, Christmas, holiday, trip...anything and everything perfectly arranged. I even scanned all the old pictures from both my family and my bf's family. It was an Herculean job but it was worth the time and effort. I love going through them from time to time. Time goes by so fast, I especially realize that when I look at my nephews' and niece's pics. God, they grow fast. So I take good care of immortalizing them as often as I happen to see them.