August 25th, 2007
Well, obviously. But not only a pair of hot lips, I'd go for two pairs :wink: A kiss implies two people, and while one can have sex with more than one person (aka Sid's infamous threesomes) you can only kiss one person at a time. Why this thought? Prostitution is legal in Spain, and I've heard prostitutes talking on tv several times, and they all share one thing: they render any kind of sexual favours but kissing. They said they had cold lips, that't why I immediately recalled this bit when I read today's "Love is..." bit. Cold lips. Sounds sad. So they just don't kiss. Never. Or so they say. I always thought they did, but I can't quite go asking, right? According to them, a kiss is far too personal and it's the only bit left and reserved for their private sex encounters. I find it awesome, that's why I prefer thinking of two pairs of hot lips, two pairs of willing lips and one hot kiss.
Calvin and Hobbes is proprierty of Bill Watterson and Universal Press Syndicate.
Christmas. Calvin just can't sleep. And he is planning on stealing Santa's bag :lol: We don't have Santa in Spain, but on December the 25th we have a Coal Man that comes down from the mountain full of presents for good kids, and coal (sugar coal) for bad kids (this only happens in The Basque Country). And then (in the whole of Spain), on January the 6th we have the Three Wise Men, so we happen to receive presents twice in Christmas. Do we rock or not? :wink: Well, I was the same as Calvin except for the stealing part. I bet that all the kids in the world are just the same. I was far too nervous and restless and never found the time to go to bed both on Christmas Eve and on January the 5th. But then I just slept through the whole night, I have always been a sleepyhead, so my parents had to wake me up to go open my presents. Yeah, lazy me :lol:
On the personal note, yep, finally I'll tell you about Penny's visit. Eeeeeeeeeee. She is the first tv.commer that I have met in person. I was super excited about it. And it was a great experience :D This is gonna be super long, so I'll dedicate several blogs to it. Yes, I am annoying like that. :P
She arrived on August the 17th at 07'00 am, so she made me get up early *swings fists* :wink: Bf and I picked her up a the train station. She had sent me a picture a while ago so I could recognize her. And the day before her arrival, she also sent me an email describing the clothes that she was wearing and the colour of her suitcase and stuff. But since I had the Niagara Falls at my place, I spent the day far too engaged with the mess, and then I had to set up the spare room at my parents so I went to bed late and pissed, so I missed that mail. So I arrived at the train station with the mental image of the picture that she had sent me. However, her train arrived a bit earlier, so she was sitting down in there, waiting for me. She didn't know how I looked like, and I thought that her train hadn't arrived yet because the station was almost empty and there wasn't any train outside but I dunno why, my heart just pointed me who she was. I promise. She looked kinda different in the picture that I had, but I walked direct to her and that was the first of the 1 zillion hugs that we share. Yes Stacey, Toni, everyone, we hugged all the time :D
The Station and the horses of the Maria Cristina Bridge
We went to have breakfast. My favourite cafeteria was still closed (I so wanted her to try these yummy toasts) so we drove around and found a place, so we started talking about this and that. I was super excited because she seemed to understand my babbled English (it is like...ur...9 years since I last lived in an English speaking country) and I was doing far better understanding her than I thought I would. (Lee, you gotta frogive my grammatical mistakes). That was my worst fear, not being able to communicate fine. But, there he was my bf to ruin my mood, telling me that he couldn't understand her but he did understand me :roll: It was :lol:
As we were having breakfast, it started to rain a bit. I was so disappointed, because the days before the weather was really sunny. The sky was grey but we saw two rainbows and some clear patches in the sky. It looked like it was going to stop raining soon. My plans for the day involved quite a lot of walking, and since Penny had spent 13 hours (during the night, no sleep) in the train ride from Lisbon to San Sebastian, we headed home so she could have some rest. However she was all up for going out with a raincoat and start sightseeing (I guess that if she had got in bed, she wouldn't have woken up until next day). Yes, she was happy with the weather, she is an Irish girl for a reason. So we put a raincoat on, and off we go! :D
Alright, just a little note. We took a lot of pictures, of course. Some are just landscape, some are bf and me, most are Penny and the landscape and a lot are we both and the landscape. Penny has never posted a picture of herself so I won't post any either. I know that you all would understand this. It is just a matter of respect. So I'll reproduce step by step the routes we made using pictures I took from internet. Most of them are taken from and the rest from several internet public sources. Hope that you like the ride :)
We walked what you see in this picture, and even a bit more. We ended up in the tower which is up in the mountain at the right of the picture. Beautiful, huh? What are you waiting to come visiting me and see it for yourselves? (I can't resize the panoramic pic, so I posted it in two half, dumb me) :oops:
This is the walk we made on day 1. We walked the three beaches of the city, and went visiting some places nearby. We also stopped to have some tapas and then we had lunch. It took us 5 hours, to reach from point 1 to point 6
Ok, today we are going to cover point 1 in the map. As soon as we parked the car it stopped raining. It was cool. Soon we got rid of the raincoats, it was ended up being a very nice day.
We started right here, at the Zurriola beach, first one of the beaches in the city. It is usually really windy in there, so it is a great spot for surfers. There is an international surfing championship which is held each year in here. Actually, a new jetty was built recently, to try and stop a bit the fury of the Cantabric sea.
There was an exhibition of huge iron sculptures by Igor Mitoraj. They were impressive.
In the east side of the beach you can find two crystal buildings. They are known as the cubes. They were designed by Rafael Moneo and he imagined them as two rocks that run aground in the shore. Ur...ok, whatever. They held expositions, concerts, meetings...a bit of everything. Martin Berasategui, a famous restaurateur has one of his restaurants in the east cube.
The exterior panels of the cubes are lighted up in the afternoon. They are usually lighted up in white, but sometimes they display especial designs. When the tide is high, the cubes are reflected in the sea. This can be the run aground effect.
On February the 20th, during San Sebastian day, the cubes imitate the white and blue flag of the city.
During the Gay Pride day, the cubes displayed the gay flag colours
Other times, they display random colours, like a big Rubik cubeor Magic cube(as it is also known)
The Kursaal Bridge, crossing over the Urumea river, leads us to the beginning of the New Promenade. That should be the start of tomorrow's blog.
So far for the first stage of our trip. Hope you liked it. Get some rest, tomorrow we'll keep on walking :)