Yesterday we went to spend the day to Zumaia, which is a lovely town, some 25 minutes away from San Sebastián, where I live. It has a beautiful jetty, and renewed docks, piers and promenades, and since it was warm and nice, we walked around and then we spend the day and part of the night fishing.
Well, I never fish, I just can't put the worm into the hook or take the fish away for that matter. I actually hate the when the poor fishes jump inside the plastic bag with their very last strength, struggling for their life. But bf only keeps what he (or his family) are actually gonna eat, and throws back small catches or those species he doesn't like, so I guess it is morally acceptable.
I always bring along a book, a notebook and a pen, and spend my time enjoying the peacefulness of the spot, chitchatting and catching some breeze. And most important of all, I'm the certified sandwich maker, since my hands are clean and non-stincky from fishing affairs.
We still have some bait left, and the day is lovely today as well, so I guess we'll go fishing again. Anyway, here are some pics of the beautiful village of Zumaia:
This is the beautiful view of the coast, expanding westwards.
This is the renewed jetty, our designated spot to spend the fishing journey.
This is the view from the jetty, with the town at the background, a beach at the left, a lovely lighthouse in the middle and the bay and the jetty at the right.
I climbed a bit to take a broader view
This is the ligthouse in a closer view, dedicated to Chantal