Love is the sweetest thing. It really is. And not only love between lovers, but love between brothers and between friends. You all know that I went through a bad time this week, and I just found loads of signs of love in my pms and my blogs. Really sweet, nice and comforting words. And that's pure love guys. Thanks everyone :)
So yesterday night bf brought me again to the open air movies. Yes, he is that sweet. We watched "Casino Royale". I'm not a fan of James Bond's movies, but this one was kinda alright. And part of the action was set in Madagascar (winks to fellow Pirates), which made me giggle for a while. Bf gave me that quizzical look, but he is used to me acting like a loon twice a day or so :wink:
Ur...the movie? Too many special effects and c'mon stuff (who stands such hits in the balls?), but at least it had some nice intrigue too. Not to mention a prawn guy (winks at Jenn). Yeah, Daniel Craig guy is a perfect example of what I call a prawn guy. Everything in him is yummy but his head :lol: (God Blu, you cracked me up with your pm). What's wrong with his face? I like his hair and his eyes, but there's something wrong with his mouth, I guess. (But how sweet was he in the shower scene??!!) Another example Jenn and I came up with was Patrick Swayze in "Dirty Dancing" And I also discovered that some of my friends seem to like dancing around in their undies, but *ahem* I'll save you the details :D
What do you think? Do you like the latest 007? Any prawn guy you can think of? :wink:
Calvin and Hobbes are propriety of Bill Watterson and Universal Press Syndicate.
Back to the food issue. Calvin doesn't like the smell of it but hey, he won't starve to death, will he? He's got resources in his hands. Let's wait and see who pays for that :wink:
On the personal note, I'll probably be pretty reiterative this week, so you can stick to the strips and laugh instead of reading my angry rants. Because as I anticipated yesterday, I am going to rant long and angrily. About the darn "San Fermines" for thewhole week. Spanish exultation of cruelty, savagery, barbarism and slaughtery. And it turned out to be one of our most well known tourist attraction around the world. Meh, it makes me sick I promise :evil:
So this morning was the first of the bullruns. Here you have a link. I'm afraid you'll need Real Player, because it is not still on Youtube.
So, what do you think? At the very beginning one guy is gored not too badly and some others are run over throughout the bullrun. I know this is gonna sound hard, but sometimes, I just wish that the bulls just turn around and start running against all that bunch of braggarts, goring here and there. But they are too scared to do that. They try and stick together, because they are totally lost. They have just been dragged out of their well known lands, and they are forced to run on a surface which is too slippery for their hooves. And more important than that, they are not mean by nature. They don't intend to kill anybody just for the fun of it, like they would be killed this afternoon. Slowly and painfully. Animals are way better than some humans. Yeah bite me. As if I care. And if some of you still think that it looks like fun and that I'm being hard, just have the guts to have a look at these blogs of mine. See if you can stand the pictures, or the videos. Especially the videos. Just watch one single bullfight video and tell me that I'm wrong. I will spit in your face :evil: (Gah, sorry, I feel really strong about this).
Spanish slaughtery 1
Spanish slaughtery 2
P.S. I know most of you will be happy to know that the content in my blog is going to be used in a anti-bullfight campaign. Yay!!!! :D