Trains come and go. Some we catch. Some we lose. Some, we let go. Some we wish we could have caught. Some we wish we should have never stepped into. Life is full of trains. Many of them end up making a stop at our own station. It's never easy to be certain if we are up for the ride. We hardly know where each train will lead us to. Like love train. This is the one who usually crashes but doesn't kill. And this is still the one that we all take, at least once in life. Got your tickets?:)
Bedtime for Calvin and Hobbes. Just like for most of the kids, bedtime for him is always too early :)
I guess I was a weird kid. I was always ready to go to bed and never ready for getting up. My mum had to set the alarm clock for some 20 minutes earlier than needed, only because I always took off my sock and kicked off my shoe way faster than she was able to put a sock and shoe on in my other foot :lol: I always threw tantrums in school days and I still curse first thing in the morning after shutting off the alarm clock.
God, I'm such a sleepyhead. But at the same time, I love staying up until late, owly time. Everything is quiet, andI love reading and writing then. Even staying in the balcony, looking outside, the stare lost in the sky, loads of thoughts and memories filling that peaceful time. Minutes are longer then, but eventually time flies. And owly time is not compatible for a sleepyhead with getting up early. Who said that life isn't full of funny contradictions? :wink: