* "Riau, riau" is part of a short song that is sung by bullrun runners right before every bullrun, where they pray to Saint Fermin for they not to be harmed during the run.
Once again and like every year "San Fermines" arrived, Spanish exultation of cruelty, savagery, barbarism and slaughtery. I rant about it every year, but in case my new friends are wondering, I am referring to bullruns and bullfights. Shame on us how they turn out to be one of our most well known tourist attraction around the world. Meh, it makes me sick, I promise I hate my country :evil:
I bet most of you will get some seconds of the bullruns on tv, but be aware that you get censored versions. They seem to be a light, exciting and fun tradition, but they are not. People die and certainly the bulls die (or rather, they are killed) so it is not fun for the bulls anyway. And honestly? They are the only ones I care about because they are the only ones that are part of the "fun" unwillingly.
They have just been dragged out of their well known lands, and they are forced to run on an unknown surface which is too slippery for their hooves, surrounded by lots of people that blind their way. They are absolutely scared. I just wish that the bulls just turn around and start running against all that bunch of braggarts, goring here and there. But they are too scared to do that. They try and stick together, because they are totally lost.
And more important than that, they are not mean by nature. They don't intend to kill anybody just for the fun of it, like they are gonna be killed hours before the bullrun ends. This might come as a surprise for some of you but yes, all the 6 bulls are killed every day, during a whole week, the very same ones that are seen running in the morning. They are killed slowly and painfully. Animals are way better than some humans, I've always thought so and I always will.
So there, I put my conscience at ease and once again spread the word. If you feel like reading a bit more about it, here are the links to some blogs of mine. I warn you because they include links to pictures which I do strongly recommend sensitive people NOT to watch, but you can just safely read avoiding the links.
It makes me proud as hell that their content was used in an anti-bullfighting campaign last year :D
Spanish slaughtery 1
Spanish slaughtery 2