Sorry, it took longer than I thought :)
1. Our Christmas time lasts until the 7th of January, which actually rocks. We don’t have Santa but in the Basque Country we have a coal collector called Olentzero. On the night of December 24th, he comes down from the mountains to leave presents to the children who were good the whole year, and he leaves coal to the ones who didn’t. He coal is eatable, it’s a black rock of sugar which leaves your teeth black for a while so everyone knows you were bad. :D And on the night of January 5th,the Three Wise Men come riding their camels to bring presents to everyone, as they did in the Bible with newborn Jesus. Children leave buckets of water for the camels to drink and all kind of Christmas food for the Wise Men before going to bed. Then it’s parents task to empty the buckets and hide the food. :wink: Everyone is supposed to send them a letter, so they know what presents you want. And the day before, there is actually this parade with the Wise Men, the camels and everything. They throw sweets and listen to the children’s wishes.
2. Our tooth fairy is a little mouse called Little Mouse Pérez. Children leave their teeth under their pillows and the mouse exchanges them for sweets and money.
3. The Canary Islands (in the west coast of Africa) and the Balearic Islands in the Mediterranean Sea are Spanish. So are Ceuta and Melilla, two provinces in the north coast of Africa. And Gibraltar’s Rock in the south is UK. Three french provinces are also claimed to be part of the Basque Country.
4. We love table games, above all playing cards. It’s common afternoon practice that people meet either at home or in bars to play cards. Lottery and any kind of pools are also very big on a daily basis.
5. 6 bulls are actually tortured to death in each bullfight. Horses are also involved and sometimes they die either injured or by heart attack. :evil: If the bullfighter makes a very good job he is given the bull’s two ears and the tail right after he dies. If he makes a good job he is given the two ears. If he makes a decent job he is given one ear and if he is just ok, he is given nothing. If he makes a bad job, the audience throws him the cushions from their seats. Very few times, if a bull is brave enough and the audience wants so he is allowed to leave as a stud.
6. Among friends, we kiss twice in the cheeks to say hello and twice again to say goodbye. We do that also when you are introduced to someone. Each time you bump into someone you know you kiss him/her twice hello and goodbye. And if that person is with friends, you are introduced to them and again you kiss them all. So we spend most of our time kissing each other :D
7. Meeting points are always bars. We hang out loads and night life begins after 24’00pm, once everyone has had dinner. You can’t sit down in a bar and enjoy your drink. You stand up and dance. And flirt, of course. Music is loud so you can’t actually have much of a conversation.
8. We eat our breakfast early in the morning. Then we have lunch somewhere around 10’00am-11’00am. Then we have our main meal somewhere between 13’00pm-16’00pm. We have a snack by 17’00pm-19’00pm and we have dinner around 21’00pm-23’00pm. We spend half of our day eating, that’s why we need siesta :lol:
9. Babysitters are called kangaroos. Babysitting is not a big thing here. If you can’t count on your family to do that, you cancel your plans and stay at home.
10. The concept of family is very big. It goes not only from great grand parents to great grand children, it also includes neighbours, very good friends and even pets, who are completely spoiled. When you are invited to someone’s house you are likely to find your friend’s neighbours there and you are more than welcomed to bring your pets with you.