You probably all know that I'm a multiconsole owner...and play the PS3 the least out of the bunch. Although its not my favorite, I did see it more fit for GTA:IV. I figured with the HD the loading times would be minimized, less pop up, etc etc. Couldn't go wrong...right? Well...I was wrong. After now playing both versions of the game, I wish I had purchased the 360 version. I do like the slightly faster loading on the PS3, but the lower res and blur effect the put over the game is downright awful! Maybe it's because I'm playing a 65" screen...but the PS3 version looks like I'm playing on a filthy screen. Its so blurry that if I don't have the lighting quiet right in my room, it gives me the worst eye strain possible. It literally feels like somebody stabbed the back of my eyeballs and they are slowly bleeding into my me even more of a migraine. NOT FUN. I have put over 9 hours into the game so far...across 5 sittings. 2 of them have been pain free, but the rest.....arggg...end in agony. The thing that ticks me off is the fact that the game is so damn fun I just keep coming back for more! Oh well, when I'm done with this title, I'm done with it for good....unless I get it for the 360.
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