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Late to the party..but lets talk Brawl!

I had bought Super Smash Bros Brawl the day of its release, hoping to really get into this hyped series. I played for maybe 2 hours and really wasn't getting into it. Now fast forward into October and here I am starting this game again. I wanted to give it another chance and figure out why this game is so addictive to the masses. Didn't take me long to figure it out this time, even though I was playing single player. Unlockables!!! I have clocked over 12 hours into this game now, playing a few brawls here and there online, but mainly doing single player trying to get 100% on the The Subspace Emissary. Its more addicting than anything I've played in months. I can't say I'm a pro by any means, but I've become pretty damn good I'd like to say. Its just awesome to go back to the vault and see all the things you've unlocked over the journey.

I'm sure most of you all know about this game already, but to those of you who were like me...pick this game up and give it an honest shot. It will overcome you before you even realize it!

Enough talking...lets get back to Brawling!