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Got an Xbox 360 Today.

Today i bought a Xbox 360 elite 120 gb.

I got mass effect1, lego batman(lol) , gears of war 1 and pure for my first games,Im hopeing i can buy more games in the future eg Halo 3 mass effect 2 and more.

ps i need some xbox live friends please add me its the same as my psn account

xbox gamertag= THE BOOT 619 Psn= THE_BOOT_619

my favourite gta moment

well my favourite gta moment would be in gta vice city where tommy and lance vance take over diazs mansion.where you both shot diaz on the ground that was cool.

being a newbie

i am pritty new and being new is hard because i dont know any one here.but so far every one has being nice and suppoting.

which is good cause its a mad atmosphere to be in.

gta iv vs saints row 2 ps3

i think gta has better graphics then sr2 but sr2 is alot more fun because you get to do fun mini games and you get alot more clothes ad you can do up your car eg you can make you car have bigger wheels and stuff like that.

one thing gta has is better shooting and better driving..

gtaiv better graphics,more life like.nice atmosphere you feel on edge ween geting chased by cops

saints row 2 more choice.better clothes.more fun