Heyo....To everyone out there, "Average Joe's", 'jocks', 'geeks', 'nerds' or whatever you may be; enjoy gaming. Enjoy life. Here, we all have one thing in common despite whoever we are, 'games'. We all play games and wished we had more time to play they. Yeah, I know I sound corny, but I don't really have anything to do. I'm a postgraduate student doing my Master's degree in Biotechnology (and I play games too) and I'm stuck at the lab for 24 hours with nothing to do but take extract samples every 2 hours for my fermentation mini-project. Right now, all I want to say is, it sucks being stuck here with nothing to do. So, since I'm new and I have so much to say I'm posting my first blog as a newbie.
To start things off, I'll tell you about myself. My name is Mat Fariz, I'm from Malaysia. 24 years old this april and I'm currently enrolled in a local university doing my MSc. in Biotechnology. I've been playing video games since I was eight and I've never stopped enjoying it since. Since my first console, my NES; I'm still an avid gamer although it seems that I'm playing less and less these days (I'm so busy with studying, work and all the hassle of being a student). I own an NES,SNES, Sega Genesis, a PS1, a PS2, and an Xbox360.
So 'Hello World'.....