something that has been really getting to me lately is how parents are letting thier kids play games that are clearly too violent for them. there is a kind who catches my bus and his mum lets him play halo 3 online and hes only 7. my other example is a kid who i got buddied up with for this gay thing in school htey that by getting a bored 13 yr to hang out with a 7 yr old when they clearly don't want to helps them make fiends more easily. but lets get back to the topic he had to introduce himself sso he said the basics you know my name is blah iam 7 years old and all that but then he said " and i like playing call of duty 4" WTF!? i said so u like games? yeh i love them i like spiderman and destroy all humans but my mum said i cant play it anymore. who the hell lets thier 7 yr old play call of duty 4 but not destroy all humans i mean call of duty 4 has a mission where you have to shoot a guys arm off and some of the main enemies are dogs but they won't let him play a game where the worst you can do is throw someone or control them with your mind.