- BorisSiomin’s Activity
You just create a daily schedule and discuss with your parents and mention your playing time when you wants to play the virtual game, I think your parents love you and they must consider your decision...
- The Xbox Content Creation Pipeline is Nice
I like to write about video games. All three modern consoles offer a very easy single-button approach to taking screenshots and video during gameplay, and this has made writing about games a lot easie...
- My Favorite Feature of Bethesda's Creation Engine
Bethesda’s Creation Engine gets a lot of crap. Most of it is undeserved, in my opinion. First crafted for Morrowind back in 2002, and based loosely off the Gamebryo/NetImmerse engine, it’s an expansiv...
- Black Desert AKA "Graphics: The Video Game"
I’m enjoying Black Desert so far, even though the combat seems even easier than Dynasty Warriors 9. Maybe that’ll get harder as the game goes on? Or maybe it won’t. Things can only be so hard in a gam...
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