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borninvincible Blog

Thanks GameSpot!

I had a bunch of stuff I was saving up to post about, but after something that happened today... I wanted to take a moment here and say thanks to GameSpot.

Why the thanks? Well, I was moderated today. I went to the "Ask the Mods" section to investigate the matter a bit further... and after politely inquiring about the moderation, I was given a very short, borderline rude response. I find that weird because I have seen "regular" users suspended or banned for being rude to Mods. I guess that's only a one way street. This incident has only confirmed what I have long suspected... And to make matters a bit more frustrating, after a swift response from the Mod, my thread was locked... leaving me without any chance to reply. Dare I make another thread about it... I may be banned. As a paying subscriber here, I would think that I would at least get a little more than that... I have been a dedicated and contributing member here at GameSpot for a long time. I really think it would better serve GameSpot if they paid a little more attention to what their Mods are doing. It was clear that my "infraction" was very much an accident, but that was not even considered. Rude reply, thread closed and game over. I can see more and more now why folks are jumping ship and heading over to GiantBomb.

Congrats GameSpot... you just lost another member.


PLEASE Vote For ME!!! :)

Hello everyone! Not sure if anyone knew or not, but Gamespot was having a photo contest where users could post a picture of their gaming set-ups. Well they have finally picked the finalist and I was one of them! I am pretty excited. The winner gets 8 video games of their choice!! So... if you all could do me a solid and head over to the voting page and drop a vote for me... I would be very grateful!!

The voting is being done HERE. JUST CLICK ME TO GO VOTE!!! 8)

Thanks for the support.

An Emblem For VinceL

something i made for our E3 emblem hero... VinceL. maybe the GameSpot staff will put it in his profile. he has certainly earned it.

Mr. Fix It!

This emblem is awarded to the Hero of GameSpot for coming to the rescue of those unfortunate GameSpotters who did not recieve their E3 2009 emblems. Whether scanning through hundreds of missing emblem posts or dealing with wacky server logs... VinceL was always on point. You will always be our emblem Hero!

Raiden Photoshopped? and some Kingdom Hearts 358/2 action!!

Okay so I was browsing user profiles here on GameSpot and I ran into ryan69969's profile. He has a very interesting image posted. Its a picture of Raiden from the MGS Rising game... but his cybernetic jaw has been removed.

Now as you can imagine this picture immediately grabbed my attention. After a closer look however, I think it may be photoshopped.

Here is my analysis. Let me know what you think.

In other news... while browsing the internet, I came across a very, very interesting Nintendo DS file. Kingdom Hearts 358/2 is what it said. How can this be? The game doesn't hit the U.S. until September. Well the file I found is the Japanese version. Check out the pictures I took. Sorry about the quality, but I took the pics with my iPhone.

I tried playing, but it is all in Japanese. I gave up after a few minutes, but perhaps I will check it again later. :)

I just wanted to share those 2 big finds with my fanbase!! (Joke):)

Let me know what you all think!! peace//:)

e3, life & beyond

e3 was epic. this is the first year i got to watch everything... and for the most part i was imressed. the biggest of the news for me was the MGS title for the 360. kojima is a beast... and i happy to see the series hit the 360. time to hunt for some achievements. also... WTF is up with droppin his english skills at the microsoft conference. yup... kojima-san... your the man. its official.

the new castlevania looks ridiculous too... patrick stewart? kojima productions? could that be any more awesome? i thinks not....

also anyone catch the presentation for modnation racers? too freaking sweet... the track editor they demo'd was insane.

i was kind of sad to not see anything new with Beyond Good & Evil 2. after seeing some leaked footage a while back, i thought we woud get something for sure. i guess not.. :( the wait continues i guess.

as you can see i changed my profile banner... the image of Raiden is insanse. that dude is a beast in that suit. super rad!

also got some new cool emblems... i want to give a SUPER HUGE shout to VinceL for coming the emblem rescue and helping out all my fellow gamespotters get what they deserve. i was really shocked to hear that there was no emblem reporting thread for e3... especially considering how buggy the system is when givin those things out. gamespot redeemed themselves by sending in Vince. i appreciate your help Vince.

i also gained a level finally... the big 24, I Feel Asleep!! nice...

i wanted to thank jody too for coming thru with the e3 chat... much appreciated!!

i took my kids to see that new disney/pixar movie called Up. it was in 3D and i must admit, it was pretty good. most of the movies i watch these days are kids movies and i was suprised at how good this one was. there was a hidden message of the sorts tellin you to never forget or give up on your dreams.. plus it was in 3D so that was cool.

and on a closing note... something very special happened to me this last tuesday. borninvincible celebrated his 30th year on this planet. my wife says i am getting old... i told her i am just getting started.


// Bioshock Movie News //

I found this last night while I checking out the SCI FI Wire page on the internet thru my iPhone... the words BioShock caught my eyes so I kept reading..

Some guy named Wentworth Miller made a post on his Twitter page... Click here for the screenshot. I checked that same page today and it has a wierd message saying that account has been suspended. Kind of wierd. Here is the URL if you are interested. Twitter Post Here

I sure hope this movie comes out and they do it some justice... it would be a shame for such a great story to be screwed up.. it happens so much in Hollywood these days.

In other news I entered my gaming setup in the contest GameSpot is having... the contest is HERE

Here the pic -

/// MGS4 Vid Review v2.0 & other NEWS ///

I listend to the suggestions that fellow Gamespotter Moroes made for my MGS4 video game review and decided to re-make it. I added some music, gameplay as well as some commentary review. Please take a look at it and let me know what you think. It can be watched here.

While on the MGS4 topic... here is some sweet rumor mill news.

Anyone else pumped about this? ///Hunting the Big Sister///

In other gaming news... my friend at work gave me a gift last week. A Nintendo 64 with like 5 games... the best being The Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time. yes... I have a great friend. I am playing Ocarina of Time now. :)

Also picked up Resident Evil 5 for my 360. The game looks beautiful, but to be honest, I am not impressed with the gameplay. Sorry... I just cant get into it. I will go through and beat it though... just on principal alone, I have to beat it. I was expecting SOOO much more from that game. Oh well...

in movie news... I seen the new Star Trek last weekend. Being a big Trek fan, I had mixed feelings about this one... I must admit though, the movie was fantastic. I like how even if you werent a fan or had a great deal of knowledge about the Star Trek world.. you could still follow the movie and enjoy it. Go see it if you havent.

Another movie that has caught my attention is one called District 9. Looks interesting... Check it out here.

My 2 Favorite YouTube videos for this week... they are freaking hilarious.

  1. "Rap Chop" featuring Vince (Steve Porter's Slap Chop remix)
  2. Let A Stranger Drive You Home | Heineken Commercial

EDIT: I added a 3rd Youtube video here... it is awesome. Warning though... it has a some spoilers for the new Star Trek flick. You've been warned :) here it is - My Favorite Movie (Star Trek vs. Star Wars)

Last but not least... go check this out. Konami Code. It is rad. Period.

/// my FIRST video user review ///

Okay this is my second blog post in one day which is not the norm for me, but I just finished and uploaded my very FIRST video user review for Metal Gear Solid 4 - Guns of the Patriots. these things are a lot harder than i thought. i realize now looking back and watching the video that i left some stuff out.. i was too worried about spoilers, but i guess there is some things i still should have talked about. i will keep that in mind for future video reviews. anyways, here is the link- CLICK HERE FOR MY VIDEO USER REVIEW. please let me know what you think... comments good or bad, suggestions, things of that nature...

a few things thats currently going on with me -

//working on getting my PSP to run PlayStation 1 games...

//still getting my constant fix of UpLink... this game is a beast of addiction...

//working on unlocking achievments for Street Fighter 4...

//teaching my 6 year old how to stay focused while playing second base. she is playing t-ball this year...

//contemplating future video user reviews (GoW2 perhaps)...

//trying to work on a worthy editorial for the user soap box...

that is it for now... peace!

/// definitely hooked ///

UpLink: Hacker Elite... definitely has me hooked now. This game is so freaking sweet. I am running the Mac version and for some reason it keeps crashing on me :( So I have the PC version and it works great but I am limited to a small window since I am running Windows Parallels on my Mac... anyways, the game is awesome. At the very least... check out the demo which can be found here. PC Users and for Mac Users. Warning: the Mac version is kind of buggy...

//Insert Generic Blog Topic Title Here//

I finally posted a review for the original Metal Gear Solid on the PlayStation... you can read the review here. Let me know what you think. I think I will write one up for MGS 4 Guns of The Patriots this weekend. Keep an eye out for it.

Been playing a lot of Peggle Dual Shot lately. Its simplicity is what makes it so addictive. Kind of reminds me of that old game that used to be on the Price is Right called Plinko... anyone remember that?

I found myself highly involved in another addicting game called Uplink: Hacker Elite. This game is freaking cool and I love it. I recommend picking up the demo and giving it a try.

In other gaming news, I finally got my Acekard in the mail for my DSi... so now I dont have to tote all my games around, I can have them running on one card. Very convieneint.

I was able to snag up this cool emblem for participating in the GameSpot Zombie Trivia... Thanks for the opportunity GameSpot!

I did manage to take part in Community Game Night last Tuesday... It was pretty fun. I managed to get some footage of my gameplay with Polybren and ShenlongBo. You can check it out here.

Not much else going on in my world... Baseball season is in full effect so I am pumped about that. Been wanting to pick up the new MLB The Show game, but I am having a hard time dropping $60 bucks on it. I think I might still have some store credit to use up at GameStop... Other than that... not much else to report.

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