By making this second journal entry, this journal is now twice as long as half of the journal that I have started in my life. If I make a third, then it will be the biggest journal I have ever written voluntarly. To update, I watched "From Dusk 'Til Dawn" last night. Before watching it, though I have seen it before, but before watching it yesterday, I was wondering why it has never been made into a video game. After viewing it again I decided that the answer is obvious--the game would suck. I don't know for sure, perhaps there is a game based on it. If there is, I would wager large sums of money that it sucks, or at least that I wouldn't enjoy it.
Today I had to work in the morning, and when I got home I watched "Full Tilt Boogie", a surprisingly good documentary about the making of "From Dusk 'Til Dawn". I think it is worth mentioning that every time I have typed Dusk so far I have typed Duck and had to correct it. Weird. Anyways, after I finished that I decided to try to beat Dragon Warrior I, which took me about half an hour. I was level 18 and went straight to Dracolord's castle, went straight down to his room (and leveled up to 19 on the way), looked him in the face and then kicked his...posterior. Then I walked back to Tintagel Castle, enjoying the fresh flowers on the way, accepted the thanks of the King, and took leave of him to seek my fortune in other kingdoms, all with Princess Lora at my side. Video Games always have such happy endings. Unless you count "Game Over" as an ending, cause that's just depressing.
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