I see that I now officially have good taste. When it comes to games anyway, but I already knew that. Almost every game I own has received a high rating, even if I don't agree with it (like Black and White). But now I finally have added enough of my collection that I get the thing on my profile that says that I have good taste. Not too shabby! Now if only I could force myself to enjoy the games I have, instead of going out and getting new ones all the time!
In other news, since today is Valentine's Day, I read the feature about Valentine's Day, and thought that there really aren't very many games with good love stories, especially since Paper Mario and the Thousand Year Door made the list. I wonder if romance is kept out of games so much because so many gamers have such depressing loveless lives? Or is that a stereotype which, although it doesn't apply to me, is none the less also not true of the majority of gamers?
Now I need to know if this is true. I'd better go check out the forum about the Valentine's feature.
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