bow_hammer17's forum posts
Sony said that HOME will come out in the Spring, right?
The countdown is set to the 20th, which is the first day of Spring.
How come Sony hasent shut the site down?
Do you really think someone would use a TM symbol for nothing? Some one has to have some balls to do this?
Go check out.......
Read all of it,
Still think its fake?
Go to....... it true, that a new beta is coming out?
Sony said they was spose to have a meeting two months after Jan. 17 about the Playstation Network
March 17?
If so, how would you download it?
That site, playstation store, or some other place?
Anyone have any info. on this?
Heres my idea's that I think would be cool to add to the PS3, Please post, not some but all of you ideas, and then we shall all tell sony and they might just gt mad and put some of our ideas in so we wouldstop complaning.
1. In-game XMB acess for picture view, music listing and friend messaging
3.A est. time for downloads to be done in the Download Managment
4.Update the PSN Store for the love of gamers to something more fashionable
5.Have a Favorites page in the PSN Store for users
6.Have way more new avatars in the Friends row
7. Have a Miscelanious row with
- A upcoming games list
- Other things that players want thats miscelanious
8. Have more printers in the Printer Selection
9.A better connection with the Information Board icon and the PSN
10.How fast or slow the wave in the background can go
11.And other tings that gamers want!
Feel free to add whatever you guys want. I know this is what I want for Christmas, not my two front theeth 'cause I already have them so please santa (Sony) give me what I want. =(
I order this mag. for every month (Game Informore) and I was reading it and it said that Lost Planet was coming for the PS3 '08. The game would have everything that the 360 has and the PC combined,. Downloadable content, and the PC extras. The page number is 40 and the issue is number 176. I was always talking about getting a 360 to play some games, but looks like I dont have too. Pretty soon Bioshock, Gears of War, and Too Human will change over. I ate going to say Halo 3 'cause it wont, but when Bungie makes a game for the PS3, oooooooohhhhhhhhhh the 360 will go down hill real fast, like it is today. Umm the 360's been out almost a year then the PS3, but people dont look atthat. The PS3 is out selling the 360 for the time it's been out for. Yea it would be nice toownthe 360 for some, sume!of the games it has, but'till it gets a sold consle that aint going to die, call me up.
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