bowbeforeme's forum posts
I'm basically siked to high heaven about Halo 3...I played through Halo 1 with my bro on co-op and we were just dazzled by it, then I played Halo 2 for years and years on multiplayer, and now here we are with Halo 3 coming out in a week. I mean I guess it's hard to be hyped if you are a nub to Halo, but for die hard fans like me, that have been through all the Halo ups and downs, it really means alot.TheGTAvaccine
hu? i geuss i didnt say it, but ive played all the other halos, i still dont think it should have the hype it has
MC: iam gonna finish this fight.........but not now
then Bungie makes Halo 4 and makes tons more money
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