Yeah, A 3d inteface would be epic, but I highly doubt its gonna happen anytime soon.
boyofcheeese's forum posts
^Thanks for the run down, but how can all of that happen in a game with primitive graphics? And you say detailed physics? How?! You make the game sound awesome.DasVolks
Behind the primitive graphics, there rests a very detailed game, the game simulates liquid physics very well, such as hydrostatic water pressure, and there are plans for even better physic to be implemented.
If enough people want to play, maybe we should start a succesion game.
I'm too lazy to sum up reasons why I love dwarf fortress, but this review gets the gist of it.
If you do decide to play, here is a really helpful tutorial.
The graphics are god awful, but the game is great, plus with the user made tilesets, it looks alot better.
What it looks like with the mike's mayday tileset.
It's not a roguelike though, it's a civ building game, pretty much the only thing that it has in common with roguelikes are the ascii graphics, and theres no DOS emulator required, it uses opengl.
Dwarf fortress is an incredibly complex simulation game where you control a bunch of dwarves in their quest to carve out a fortress in the mountains,trying to avoid horrible death at the hands of tantrum spirals, magma, zombie carp, and the like. It`s incredibly fun but extremely newbie unfriendly, and has super basic graphics.
Does anyone else play it?
User:Do you like Pie?
Cleverbot:Why yes I do.
User:What flavor?
Cleverbot:King crab dipped in melted butter.
User:That's not a flavor.
Cleverbot:I has a flavor.
User:Thats not grammatically correct.
Cleverbot:What's not grammatically correct?
User:I has a flavor.
Cleverbot:Thats not grammatically correct.
User:But just said that cleverbot.
Cleverbot:Correct. For you to be Cleverbot, you must indeed then be a bot.
User:That is not related to the conversation.
Cleverbot:It is related to the conversation.
User:No it isn't, you are unbelievably stupid.
Cleverbot:How am I unbelievable?
User:You call yourself clever, but you are far from it.
Cleverbot:I don't call myself cleverbot.
User:What is your name then?
Cleverbot:My name is Cleverbot.
User:You just contradicted yourself.
Cleverbot:I take offense to that, Cleverbot.
User:Wait, are you calling me cleverbot?
User:Then what do you call me.
Cleverbot:Can I ask you something?
Cleverbot:What is your favorite tv show?
User:At the moment, fringe is my favourite.
Cleverbot:How old are you?
User:Are you a stalker.
Cleverbot:No I just love watching you.
User:I'm going to leave now, you scare me.
Cleverbot:OK, farewell.
Cleverbot scares me :(
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