- br0kenrabbit’s Activity
I have never bought a lottery ticket, and I figure I'm well ahead of almost everyone who has.There are definitely worse things to waste your money on, I'm just not in the practice of wasting money.
I think I liked Jedi: Outcast better. By the end you FELT like a powerful Jedi.
AliceMarried with ChildrenBeavis & ButtheadThree's CompanySoap, Benson, MaudMork and MindyTwilight Zone I'm old. 😟
@Solaryellow said:People entering our country need to be doing it on OUR terms rather than theirs.I still wonder if people get the irony of this and then insisting they learn to speak a language from...
The nugget.
How different this place was 20 years ago ...
@joshrmeyer said:@br0kenrabbit: You’re right. Fox doesn’t try to hide their bias. The others do. To be fair, they all report on the same stuff, just extremely biased to sway votes. Which really makes...
@joshrmeyer said:@LJS9502_basic: MSNBC, CNN, ABC, come to mind. All left leaning. Only one in the US that seems to lean right is Fox. I will say CNN has shifted a bit more right lately, but still def...
@appariti0n said:@br0kenrabbit: whoa, seriously? Or is this a reference to the greatest Christmas movie of all time?Hard to tell these days. My muddled, aging Boomer brain you know.All I can say for ...
@appariti0n said:I'm also kind of sick of the exact same company Christmas parties where I see the same people, and eat the exact same food as last year, while listening to the same speech. I could h...
@mrbojangles25 said:Totally up for a legit remake of an Elder Scrolls game, I do kind of wish it was maybe Morrowind, though? I only dabbled in that a bit because I was late to the party, but I felt ...
I have prints, but they're like Monet, Escher, O'Keeffe, etc ...
@LJS9502_basic said: @br0kenrabbit: That so yesterday. And wasn't Christmas though. You lied to me.😒It's the same tradition. Evergreens brought inside and decorated as a promise of the green to come a...
Switch to the legs (if in shorts) or belt to the arse.
ShitAssassins Creed OriginsAudiosurf 2Baldur's Gate 3BanishedBatman Arkham KnightBattlefield 1Borderlands 2Cities SkylinesCompany of HeroesDoomDoom 3Dragon Quest XIDustDwarf ForftressFallout 4Far Cry ...
@Vaasman said: The main issues center around long term memory and actual logic interpretation Don't use pronouns.
@Sushiglutton said: So I think it's a looong way to go before they can seriously take over most jobs.I don't know. The saying in IT goes "XYZ is always five years away until it's here."
Reminds me of John "I'm going to make you my bitch" Romero.
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