Yeah it's been quite a while since I have been really active on here. Just been busy. Working everyday 8-4:30 at a local greenhouse. Which is pretty cool. They got me planting big giant trees at peoples houses. In spare time, just been playing 360 and hangin out. Playing the original NG for X-box currently. That has got to be one of the best action games I have ever played. The combo's are sweet, the enemies are tough, and for the time it was made, the graphics are pretty damn good. That will be a game I will go back to over and over. Started playing it cuz I was gonna get NG 2 a couple weeks ago, and never had enough spare money to do so. This weekend I will pick it up, but I don't think I'm gonna open it yet. Wanna finish the first one first..... Have any of you guys played NG 2 yet? If so what did you think about it? I've heard a lot of mixed reviews..
Finished GTA IV like 3 weeks ago, I had it since the midnight release that Best Buy was doing out here in IL. I've gotta say that has been the best GTA yet. IMO of course. Just wish there were a little more activities to do.........
Also I bought Assassins Creed like 2 weeks ago, and I have to say that it was cool for like 5 or 6 days. Now I wish I didn't buy it. Shoulda waited for NG2. I was bored, and needed something to do on the weekend.
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