im gettin a new game and its between GTA4 or COD WAW. i play online multiplayer mostly and i loved COD4. but i heard GTA4 is good. what do you think i should get?
can i use my 256 mb mem card that i got with my arcade to play live or do i need to get hdd? i dont think i will be downloading demos and stuff so can i get by with the mem card? i read that you only need enough space to save your live profile, is that true? any help thanks.
how do get the one month free on gold? do i need to buy a 12 month card to get it or what? or should i just use the one month free and then get the 12 month sub?
yeah thanks for the help. is the wireless adapter reliable and will i def need a harddrive to play live because i bought the arcade. (now wish i didnt)
ok i just got an xbox and im going to get live. whats the best package to get like say buying monthly or 6 month subscriptions and also where do i get it? like best buy or gamestop or what? is it easy to set up? any help is appreciated.
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