WARNING MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS!! The game that everyones been talking about, Modern Warfare 2, the sequel to the very succesful COD4 - Modern Warfare. Ive had the game since early release, I was very excited the day I got it. So I thought that I would start the game of with the Campaign. CAMPAIGN I must say I was impressed! Great storyline, really got me feeling like I was in the game. I was sad when they killed Roach and Ghost. I had 3 issues with the campaign mode but, first of all, you couldn't play co-op. And without co-op I found that it had very low replay-ability. The third thing very short game, it took me aroud 7 hours to beat on Hardened, than I was going to play on Vetern to see how long that would take me, but I just couldn't play it because of the lack of replay-ability. So for the Campaign I must say Great Storyline! But it could of been longer. And it woulda been more fun to have co-op. So im giving the Campaign a 8.5/10. MULTIPLAYER Where do I start. Again they have done a great job with the multiplayer. But I live in Australia. I must say it is very annoying running around, see a guy, shoot and end up dead. Than look at the killcam and you find out you never even shot a bullet. Being on xbox360 I really do wonder what am I paying for? When there are such massive lag issues in a big titled game. The guys at infinity need to fix this! But apart from the lag issues, it's very nice, they have taken what worked in COD4 and added more to it. Great job guys! Now the second part of multiplayer that they have introduced to the game is Special Ops. Basic idea of this is to run around with a mate completing miny missions and what not. It is a great add-on to the game. You can also play solo which adds something to do for the people who arent lucky enough to play online or for us Australians that dont want lag! So for Multiplayer im gunna give it a 6/10. The lag really just doesn't make it that enjoyable.. GRAPHICS The graphics of MW2 I must say seem simalar to that of COD4. They are very nice, but nothing to special to brag about. They are defentently better than COD4 but not by much. With graphical kings out there like Crysis, you need to step up if you ever want to beat them. But the graphics were nice, I have defentently seen alot worse. So for Graphics I give them 8/10. SOUND Congradulations Infinity, you have done a very nice job witht the sound. I myself love to turn the volume up high to get me in the mood for killing things. The vocies were great, as I said before in Campaign, it made me feel like I was in the game. Very nice job Infinity 9/10 OVERALL Good game, great storyline, graphics arent that bad, very nice sound and multiplayer is good, as long as you either have incrediblly fast reactions or you dont live in Australia. If they fix it, than this game lives up to the hype that it received! But until than overall rating 7.9/10. It is still a must buy game but! Taken from my Blog http://insanegameraus.blogspot.com/
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