FFX on PSP would be amazing, although I doubt it will ever happen. I'd finally be able to play blitzball on those long car rides! haha. But they need to finish Crisis Core first.
I'd say about... 90% of games shouldn't have voice overs. Usually the voices sound really bad, and ruin the character. Some voice overs are good, like FFX, but most are terrible. When i heard Squall talk on Kingdom Hearts I was pretty mad.
I'd say KH2, but you should play KH1 first. The GBA one is unnecessary, I played it because I didn't want to miss any of the story but you find out everything that happens during KH2 anyways. The only thing you gain from the GBA one is some insight into Riku does what he does. Ayways, KH2 is better in terms of gameplay (the reactions are a nice touch) and story. The story in 1 was amazing, but I like 2 better because it was a little less... Disney. Less cartoony.
I remember playing my friend's when it first came out, and i played some hockey game. And I was terrible, because I'd barely ever played Playstation (I grew up with Nintendo). And when i got my PS2 about three years ago, I got NFL 2K5 with it, but I bought Kingdom Hearts the next day. I still think NFL 2K5 is the best football game by the way.
I went in to buy FFVIII used. i brought it home, opened it, and put it in the system. the first 5 seconds of the opening movie played, and it froze. Needless to say, i was pretty pissed. I went back the next day and this guy gave me a new disc one. I was in a hurry, so I didn't really check it out. I got home, and it was disc one of FFVII. I had to go back the next day, where they finally got it right. I stopped going to EB for a while after that.
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