I bought this wheel some time ago now http://www.madcatz.com/Default.asp?Page=410&CategoryImg=Xbox_360_Wheels and I decided to have a look at its website. I found out that it was usable on my PC, so I got the drivers from the Microsoft website it says to, and of course it worked fine. However if I launch Midtown Madness 2 and select my wheel in the options menu, when I press Go Drive, it crashes the game. If I try it again whilst set to keyboard, it works fine, nothing changed. Why is this?
Noticeably when I have the steering wheel set and I can choose the controls, I can press buttons on the wheel and they are set to work on MM2.
Does anybody know why it isn't working?
The wheel works on 18 Wheels of Steel Haulin' and 18WOS Pedal to the Metal perfectly, so why doesn't it work with mm2
Thanks for your help,
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