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3 Under-Appreciated games

I feel that these 3 games were woefully under-appreciated (excuse my awful grammar i'm only 14). These are not in any particular order:

1. Shadow of the colossus

I never did enjoy ICO and therefore didn't complete it. Shadow of the collosus howether, completely blew me away. the graphics were quite advanced for that generation, even though developers had got the hang of using the PS2's tech. Grass billowed, and the landscape was breathtaking. And when you climb up to the top of your first collosus (collosi?) and drive your sword through it's skull you empathise with the beast. I don't think any game ever triggered such an emotional reaction than the ending. Shame on you for not playing it.

My fave collosus

2. Crackdown

This game didn't suffer from bad sales. This game didn't suffer because it was crap (which it wasn't). Does anyone remember a game called Zone of the Enders? if you do, you may remember that accompanying the game, was a demo of metal gear solid 2. of course people bought the game solely to get their eager mitts on a chance to don the mullet of Solid Snake. And so the cycle continued with Crackdown and the accompanied Halo 3 Beta. Thats the problem with some gamers they lack the ability to try a new game. It must be advertised, and given 10/10 in various publications and contain Violence and gore before it's O.k to buy. Heaven forbid should you buy Lost oddysee rather than COD 4. Crackdown Lacked a story But made up for it with bucket loads of fun and entertainment, especially with friends. Look what you may have missed.

Gotta love them Ragdoll Effects

3. Saint's Row

I know what your thinking. Yes, Saints Row appears a Shameless rip-off of GTA, but They apart from the open-world aspect of it they are completely different. Here's why:

1. You can take drugs and alchohol

2. It's Shallow entertainement while GTA has a deep, involving story (kinda)

Now that that is cleared up, you should get saint's row because it's got ridiculous mini-games and is a blast with 2-player (unless you get a mouthy 12-year old.) You can just switch off your brain and relax.....

Good ol' insurance fraud