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Lazy summer days

Well it's summer and very hot and apart from joining tofu-lion91 in a videoblog I haven't really achieved all that much. After such a long and lazy day watching TV and playing Tomb Raider 2 (Oh so old school) I saw a number of adverts for Guitar Hero: On Tour. In stead of going on about Guitar Hero I would rather talk about the actual advert itself, along with all the adverts designed by Nintendo Europe it's truly cringeworthy, whilst I currently can't find the video (I'll probably edit this when I do) I can show you a similar advert from NOE.


It seems Nintendo have a history of this, whilst wasting my time looking around at old adverts I managed to find one that made me facepalm with how patronising it is and how it alienates 50% of Nintendo's prospective audience in one fell swoop.


Other than being rather sexist it's probably not as bad as some of their other adverts however to round this off I've found a much earlier advert which I feel was rather amusing and certainly better than some of the newer ones so here, enjoy
