Well today is the day when every college student collectively worries at the same time. Yes it is results day. I've just come back from picking up my results for my AS levels and I am quite pleased with them, much better than last year. So heres what I got:
Government and Politics: E
Philosophy: D
Religious Studies: D
Psychology: B
I am pleased with my results as I am not an A student and never really expected very high marks and seems as Psychology is what I really want to do I am very pleased with a B. Anyway, I think I've only got a few weeks before I start my final year of college.
Now onto games, I have been looking forward to Bionic Commando Rearmed for quite a while. In fact I'm much more interested in BC:Rearmed than I am about the new Bionic Commando. So I thought I'd get onto the PSN and download it but when I managed to get on the PSstore there was a noticable absence in the form of Bionic Commando. This is incredibly infuruating and I don't really understand why it has been delayed for the European store seems as it is already out on Xbox Live in Europe and the EU PSN is the only one that has been delayed. Anyway there's not much I can do about that so I guess I'll just finish up and start preparing for my final year of college (WellI say prepared but I mean just carry on playing the Bionic Commando Rearmed demo from the japanese PSN)