ok this took some time to get ready but here it is.... Goku(early) vs Vegeta(scouter)/ Kid Gohan vs Chiaotzu/ Yamcha vs Tien/ Trunks SSJ(sword) vs Mecha Frieza/ King Vegeta vs Frieza(full power)/ Appule vs Frieza Soilder/ Piccolo(early) vs Kiddon/ Tapoin vs Hirudegarn/ Nuva vs Omega Shenron/ 13(fusion) vs Super17/ Bojack(full power) vs Spopovich/ Fat Buu vs Pure Evil Buu/ Super Garlic Jr vs Dr. Wheelo/ Slug vs Turles/ Dabura vs Babidi/ Kid Buu vs Super Buu(Gohan Absorbed)/ Dr. Gero vs 19/ 18 vs 17/ 16 vs 8/ Grampa Gohan vs Roshi/ Nail vs Radits/ Nappa vs Roccom/ Captain Ginyu vs Salza/ Bardock vs Fasha/ Cell(perfect) vs Teen Gohan SS2/ Piccolo(end) vs Supreme Kai/ Krillin vs Tambourine/ King Piccolo vs Devilman/ Pilaf Machine(fusion) vs Cell Jr/ Cooler(final form) vs Broly (LSS)/ Zangya vs Super Janamba/ Zarbon vs Dodoria/ Burter vs Jeice/ Saibamen vs Yajirobe/ Futer Gohan SS vs Ultimate Gohan/ Majin Begeta vs Goku(end ss3)/ Super Vegito vs Super Gogeta/ Goten SS vs Trunks SS/ Gotents ss3 vs ss4 Gogeta/ ss4 Goku vs ss4 Vegeta/ Bidel vs Hercule/ Majuub vs Pan/ Gohan ss2(adult) vs Cyborg Tao/ General Tao vs General Blue/ Kid Goku vs Chi-Chi/ Arale vs Super Baby2/ Begeta(second form ss2) vs Meta-Cooler/Super Vegeta vs Super Trunks/ haha.... i have King Cold but he has no one to fight so he moves onto the next round.... in your face Planet(oh i didn't have any fights yet i'll do them all tomorrow)
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