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brandomonk Blog

BioShock 2...

waiting for the 2nd update to install... /sigh ...which it did just fine AND fixed the game. good job.


I like the new site layout, but why make the login more difficult and unreadable by Firefox's automated login?

New Union Perhaps?

I'm looking to create a PC Gamers over 30 Union:

Union Name: PC Gamers over 30

Union Short Name: pcgamersover30

Short Description: PC Gamers over 30: What are you currently playing? What do you look for in games? What kind of games do you like? Discuss the zeitgeist of games including current trends and politics. Discuss PC hardware and software, operating systems and non-gaming utilities. Have Fun!

Full Description: Not to exclude or separate from our younger gaming brethren, just a place to reminisce and/or wax poetic about the games of yore, and the new and exciting possibilities of PC gaming including complaints, rants, praises, debate and possibly, the occasional hook-up!

PC Games - General

Associated Games:
Assassin's Creed
Chuzzle Deluxe
Orange Box
The Sims

GTA: San Andreas

Board Title: PC Gamers over 30

Note: I did all that (the above) then I got to step three where 4-8 people are required to initially sign up to form the union. I laughed because I know not a soul on here or any people to invite, so let me know if you are interested. Oh, and I did absolutely no research to see if there was a similar union on here already.

Magic Floating Guns and Such

Just breezed through Blacksite: Area 51, um... wait, what? Yeah, this games was bad, not bad in the terrible sense, but bad in the I could not wait to get through it variety.

:::Spoiler Alert::: sort of...

However, the octo-thing on the bridge was pure gaming magic--a real wow moment, but the floating guns and floating debris just pisses me off and ruins the immersion. The endgame was a mishmash ofincoherentblathering. The game was quick and painless and just a filler between good games.

The Missing Not Missing Finger, what is the Question?

I just finished Assassin's Creed for the PC and I really enjoyed it. Without waxing on or off, the only complaint I have is the end-game, not the cliffhanger, but the way the whole conclusion played as a game--for one thing, fighting those roided 10 Templars was a royal pain in the crucifix.

:::Spoiler Alert:::

We know that Lucy is an assassin by her showing her missing finger to Desmond, so... um, how come that missing finger re-appears in the next lab scene when she is typing at the Animus Terminal? Color me nitpickey, BUT one would think there would be some hot continuity babe keeping track of these things.

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