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Dragon age review (short)

I received this game as a gift from a friend on steam, and I've been playing it since. Here's a list of pros and cons that were important to me. Pros -chock full of action and RPG goodness that never gets dull or boring -the dialogue choices really make a difference in the outcome of the game, your party, and the cooperation of NPCs -solid, non-buggy game engine in the PC version -Beautiful character rendering and dialogue alignment with animation -Optional to read, thorough lore -tons of class and race options that effect everything from the way NPCs interact with you to your ability to acquire companions -Lots of achievements to be had -Hundreds of hours of game play in this package (at this tiny price are you serious????!!!!) Cons -DLC is a pain to initially get (you have to register with EA and set up an account with them). You'll also need an internet connection to get the DLC. It took about 12 hours for them to unlock all of my content -The game eventually ends (it's really that good)