my FC is above if someone wants to brawl
brandonz15's forum posts
hey can i play inferno match in svr 09????
a friend told me that i can but he has XBOX 360 maybe it is only playable in XBOX 360
I'll have a bulbasaur and Treeco egg. Just wait so I can get a Kangaskan and Munchlax egg.
PS. What is ur friend code I think I already posted mine
my fc is on every post
for all the ones who have played pokemon gold and silver:
1.-they were good?
2.-shouldi get soul silver and heart gold?
what do u want for the munchlax and the kangashkan?Do you want a Kangaskan, Eggecutte, Ekans, Drifloon, Munchlax, Plustle, Minun, Larvitar, Ditto, Castform, Phione, Caterpie, First form of Beedril, Hitmonchan, Paras, Igglybuff,Drowsee or Phanpy. If so I have all of those
can someone trade me :
snorlax,waynaut,gardevoir,gallade(or a dawn stone)kingdra,misdreavous,growlithe, or arcanine
in return i´ll give:
squirtle,bulbasaur,charmander,chikorita,treeko,mudkip,torchic,empoleon,chimchar,and turtwig eggs
flareon lv.1
Jolteon lv.34
Espeon lv.23
Froslass lv.33
Walrein lv.49
Wailord lv.40
Magnectric lv.30
Gyarados lv.33
Seadra lv.34
Granbull lv.23
Illumise lv.49
Drifloon lv.16
Dunsparce lv.18
Marrep lv.11
Riolu lv.16
Pichu lv.21
Omanyte lv.20
Wormadam lv.20
Banette lv.50
Gastrodon lv.28(pink)and lv.52(green)
Mr.Mime lv.28
Dustox lv.48
Happiny lv.1
Camerupt lv.53
Floatzel lv.41
Cacturne lv.52
Anorith lv.27
Skarmory lv.56
Wiscash lv.35
Hoothoot lv.27
Carnivine lv.29
Meowth lv.22
Volbeat lv.49
Seel lv.49
Graveler lv.49
Tpgekiss lv.17
Fearow lv.50
Roserade lv.22
Tentacruel lc.46
Beautifly lv.48
Magnezone lv.42
Snover lv.32
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