branin05's forum posts
A friend wants to buy some of the more expensive packs but hes wanting to know if he does the whole account sharing, with the packs only be tied to the account, or will anyone on the ps3 be able to use it? If not hes just donating the money to the person he's sharing with.
Has anyone figured out how to send them to the game? I foolishly assumed it'd be updated automatically but loading into Raid, none of the website code weapons are there.
And noone else shows up for any of the modes... Disappointing.
So I got on my ps3 today to see that, oddly enough an update for resident evil 6. Not one to get my hopes up, I figured it would be some lame title update. Upon searching the interwebs, I found nothing relevant to an update except, on one page, someone saying "check your trophies". So I did and BAM dlc trophies. Maybe its just me, but its about damn time...
Ive kept a close eye on the channels to see when the RE6 dlc comes to ps3 and check at least once a week to verify. Obviously everyone HAS to sell out to microsoft on the timed exclusivity to piss the rest of us off (I dont understand the concept; rather than making me want to go buy a different system, it just increases my irritation with MS) so I figured itd be a few weeks or so after the xbox dlc before we heard of anything for Ps3 dlc... And yet still nothing. Has anyone read anything about dlc coming to ps3 or are we just going to be snubbed by Crapcom?
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