Claire is a walking Apex Legends encyclopedia, spooky robot enthusiast, TTRPG nerd, and professional lore huntress. She's spent roughly 1,000 hours (each) exploring Baldur's Gate 3 and Cyberpunk 2077, and will happily talk your ear off about either title. When she's not writing, she can usually be found binging YouTube videos about obscure Japanese horror games from the early 2000s, praying in vain for a sequel to ABZÛ, or writing weird sci-fi short stories. She's currently awaiting the Alien: Isolation sequel and Pathologic 3 with bated breath, and eternally mourning Titanfall's undeserved fate.
You can find Claire on The Hellscape Formerly Known As Twitter @BranthiumBabe. She also regularly appears on Abraxas' Precipice: a long-running TTRPG "actual play" campaign based on The Expanse (boy, that was a mouthful).
"All roads lead to Branthium."
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